A Quest to Kick That Pesky Coffee Addiction

I didn’t drink coffee until about age 22. I despised it. I was incredibly hungover in Vegas, and the guy I was with suggested I drink coffee to keep going. He ordered me some sweet caffeinated goodness. It’s been true love ever since. With the coffee, not the guy, he was an idiot.

Moving on…I started drinking it daily after that day. My addicted grew, and I became dependent on it to wake up. In March 2015 I found out I was pregnant for the 1st time and I quit cold turkey. I honestly don’t remember feeling that bad. I could have just mistaken the caffeine withdrawals for morning sickness, because I get incredibly sick when pregnant. I didn’t pick it back up because I was nursing, then got pregnant with the boys. But in 2018 when I started working, I only lasted about a month before I was a regular coffee drinker again.

I genuinely love coffee, but I don’t love the addiction. I am working on my health and fitness, so I’ve decided to stop drinking coffee on weekdays and just keep it as a weekend treat. I do however want to avoid the morning drag. I figured I would swap one habit for a healthier one, and I would take up drinking tea.

To help motivate me, I created a cute basket to keep at my desk. It has an assortment of teas and some honey packets. I also brought one of my favorite mugs. Luckily, I had this all sitting around the house (sometimes it pays to be a hoarder). I let my 4-year-old help me, and she felt pretty darn important doing it. 

If you have a goal you’re struggling to accomplish, try making it fun and creative, and bring others into it! If you need ideas feel free to shoot me a message 📭✌🏼

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